12 research outputs found

    Sammenhengen mellom organisert idrettsdeltakelse, opplevd tilhørighet og psykologisk distress blant norske ungdommer : en ett-års oppfølgingsstudie

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    Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap – Universitetet i Agder 2016The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sports participation, sense of belonging and psychological distress in a sample of Norwegian adolescents during a one-year period. We also wanted investigate the potential mediating effect of sense of belonging on the relationship between the degree of sports participation and psychological distress one year later. This longitudinal study is part of a larger project called "the Relevance of Physical Activity Contexts in Every-Day Life of Adolescents" (REPAC). This study is based on data collections made in spring 2014 (N = 3049) and 2015 (N = 2890) where students from Aust and Vest-Agder, Oslo/Akershus and Østfold participated. The adolescents were around 12 and 16 years in 2014 and around 13 and 17 years in 2015. The questionnaire was developed to investigate how different activity contexts affect young people's everyday lives. Correlation and mediation analyzes (bootstrapping) were conducted. The results showed that sports participating adolescents had lower levels of psychological distress than non-sport participating adolescents. The present study reports a negative relationship between sports participation psychological distress among sports participating adolescents. In addition, the results showed that the level of sports participation predicted lower levels of psychological distress a year later, mediated by sense of belonging. Previous levels of psychological distress and sense of belonging were controlled for. The findings in this study are discussed in light of theory and previous research. Key words: Physical activity, sports participation, perceived affiliation, mental health, psychological distress, youth, mediation

    ‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities

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    User involvement in technology design processes can have positive implications for the designed service, but less is known about how such participation affects people with intellectual disabilities. We explored how 13 individuals with intellectual disabilities experienced participation in the design of a transport support application. The study is based on qualitative interviews, photovoice interviews, participant observations, and Smileyometer ratings. A thematic analysis generated the following themes: a sense of pride and ownership, an experience of socialization, and a sense of empowerment. The findings suggest that participation in design activities is a primarily positive experience that develops the participants’ skills. However, experiences such as boredom may occur. The variability within the experiences of the participants show that it is crucial to be aware of individuality, preferences, and personal interests when designing with people with intellectual disabilities.publishedVersio

    Intellectual Disability, Digital Technologies, And Independent Transportation – A Scoping Review

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    Transportation is an essential aspect of everyday life. For people with intellectual disabilities transportation is one the largest barriers to community participation and a cause of inequality. However, digital technologies can reduce barriers for transportation use for people with intellectual disabilities and increase community mobility. The aim of this scoping review was to identify and map existing research on digital technology support for independent transport for people with intellectual disabilities and to identify knowledge gaps relevant for further research. The authors conducted a scoping review of articles presenting digital technologies designed to assist in outdoor navigation for people with intellectual disabilities. The search yielded 3195 items, of which 45 were reviewed and 13 included in this study. The results show that while a variation of design elements was utilized, digital technologies can effectively support individuals with intellectual disability in transport. Further research should focus on multiple contexts and types of transportation, different support needs during independent travel, real-world settings, participatory approaches, and the role of user training to enhance the adoption of digital technologies

    «Vi gjorde hverandre gode, men det dabbet av og stoppet opp»: Vernepleierstudenters erfaringer med loggskriving og gruppeveiledning

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    The article illuminates the research question: Which experiences do students on a bachelor-program of social education have with use of reflective journals/logs in combination with group guidance during their practical studies. Searches in relevant databases indicate that the topic have scarcely been investigated before. Data was collected by means of two focus-group interviews with students in the last semester of their bachelor program. The findings show that the students remember well the use of logs and group guidance during the first year’s practicum, and how the program stimulated professional growth. The log writing strengthened awareness of practice experiences. The group guidance stimulated the reflection related to their own and fellow students' log content and promoted collegial recognition. The combination of log writing, group guidance with a fixed meeting structure and clear framework created predictability and confidence. The students experienced hardly any reuse of the program in the two subsequent practicums. Therefore, the students request an extended use of the program introduced in practicum one. The request should be seriously considered by the staff dealing with social education. Nevertheless, the article discusses whether full continuity of methodology is didactic wise.Artikkelens hensikt er å belyse problemstillingen Hvilke erfaringer har studenter med loggskriving, gruppeveiledning og kombinasjonen av disse i praksisstudier i vernepleierutdanningen? Erfaringer med bruk av logger og gruppeveiledning i vernepleierutdanningens praksisstudier har ikke vært beskrevet i tidligere studier. To fokusgruppeintervjuer med studenter i sjette semester utgjør datamaterialet. Funnene viser at deltagerne husker godt hvordan loggskriving og gruppeveiledning ble brukt i førsteårs praksisperiode. Erindringene preges av at aktivitetene hver for seg og i kombinasjon var læringsfremmende: Loggskrivingen styrker bevisstheten rundt praksiserfaringer. Gruppeveiledningen stimulerer refleksjonen knyttet til egne og medstudenters logginnhold, og fremmer kollegial anerkjennelse studentene imellom. Kombinasjonen loggskriving-gruppeveiledning med fast møtestruktur og tydelige rammer bidrar over tid til forutsigbarhet og trygghet. Studentene erfarte lite kontinuitet i opplegget med loggskriving og gruppeveiledning i de to etterfølgende praksisperiodene, og de etterlyser mer gjenbruk av opplegget fra første praksisperiode. Ønsket om kontinuitet er et viktig innspill til faglærere i vernepleierutdanningen. Artikkelen diskuterer likevel hvorvidt full kontinuitet i metodebruk er didaktisk klokt

    «Vi gjorde hverandre gode, men det dabbet av og stoppet opp»: Vernepleierstudenters erfaringer med loggskriving og gruppeveiledning

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    Artikkelens hensikt er å belyse problemstillingen Hvilke erfaringer har studenter med loggskriving, gruppeveiledning og kombinasjonen av disse i praksisstudier i vernepleierutdanningen?Erfaringer med bruk av logger og gruppeveiledning i vernepleierutdanningens praksisstudier har ikke vært beskrevet i tidligere studier. To fokusgruppeintervjuer med studenter i sjette semester utgjør datamaterialet.Funnene viser at deltagerne husker godt hvordan loggskriving og gruppeveiledning ble brukt i førsteårs praksisperiode. Erindringene preges av at aktivitetene hver for seg og i kombinasjon varlæringsfremmende: Loggskrivingen styrker bevisstheten rundt praksiserfaringer. Gruppeveiledningen stimulerer refleksjonen knyttet til egne og medstudenters logginnhold, og fremmer kollegialanerkjennelse studentene imellom. Kombinasjonen loggskriving-gruppeveiledning med fastmøtestruktur og tydelige rammer bidrar over tid til forutsigbarhet og trygghet. Studentene erfarte lite kontinuitet i opplegget med loggskriving og gruppeveiledning i de to etterfølgende praksisperiodene, og de etterlyser mer gjenbruk av opplegget fra første praksisperiode. Ønsket om kontinuitet er et viktig innspill til faglærere i vernepleierutdanningen. Artikkelen diskuterer likevel hvorvidt full kontinuitet i metodebruk er didaktisk klokt.publishedVersio

    ‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities

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    User involvement in technology design processes can have positive implications for the designed service, but less is known about how such participation affects people with intellectual disabilities. We explored how 13 individuals with intellectual disabilities experienced participation in the design of a transport support application. The study is based on qualitative interviews, photovoice interviews, participant observations, and Smileyometer ratings. A thematic analysis generated the following themes: a sense of pride and ownership, an experience of socialization, and a sense of empowerment. The findings suggest that participation in design activities is a primarily positive experience that develops the participants’ skills. However, experiences such as boredom may occur. The variability within the experiences of the participants show that it is crucial to be aware of individuality, preferences, and personal interests when designing with people with intellectual disabilities